Gliding Scholarship courses are an opportunity for cadets to undergo further instruction and earn their Gliding Wings. A course usually consists of up to 40 launches in a Viking or 8 hours in a Vigilant to achieve GS wings.

Cadets get the opportunity to take part in Gliding at one of the Volunteer Gliding Squadrons. Much like Air Experience Flying, the cadets are encouraged to take control and fly the Glider themselves, but they can also opt to undertake further instruction and earn their Gliding Wings.

Flying and Gliding

Flying is one of the key activities that draws cadets and adult helpers alike to the Air Training Corps.  On average each cadet will be offered the opportunity to go flying at least once a year.

Cadets can fly in tandem with qualified pilots at one of Air Experience Flights in the region. Each flight lasts around 20 minutes and includes instruction and demonstration of the principles of flight.  The cadet is usually given the opportunity to take control of the aircraft, to assist in navigation or just admire the view and experience aerobatics first hand.

Cadets also get the chance to fly in service aircraft during their visits to the various RAF stations around the country.  These can be
once in a lifetime opportunities to fly in an aircraft that cadets would normally not get to experience.  These can range from trips in transport aircraft, small trainers, various helicopters up to fast jet trainers and even
the jets themselves.